Let’s make some magic together!

I love working with clients to create one-of-a-kind pieces, and would be delighted to create something special with you!

Learn about my process and pricing below.

A quick overview of the process I use for custom work:

  1. Get to know you, and the needs of the project (I use a brief Google form for this, with any follow up questions via email)

  2. I work up a (totally free) quote for you based on the information you provided and send it via email. (I'll often include multiple options for directions we could go especially if you have very specific budgetary needs.)

  3. If you choose to move ahead, I would send you one invoice for the total amount, but you only need to pay 50% upfront to get the project started! The rest is due once it is complete.

  4. I set up a project hub for us, where I can share artwork for your review, we can communicate about progress and any changes, and keep track of next steps and payments.

  5. Once you've approved it, I send you your artwork! (Usually digital files, but not always--I like to work in a lot of different media and am up for challenges!)

I like for this to be a collaborative process, and approach every project as its own unique challenge and opportunity.

I love working with clients to come up with creative solutions, using multiple types of media in different applications, and excel at tailoring projects to fit various budgets, timelines and parameters.

To get started, I have a Google form I ask you to fill out (see below), to learn a bit about you and the project, to make sure I understand what the final artwork needs to accomplish, and to get a sense of your available budget. 

So… about budget

A lot of people feel a little out of their depth thinking about what a budget might be, especially if they've never commissioned artwork before. That's totally okay! You don't have to know what illustrations are worth, and you don't have to know exactly what your budget is. It is helpful for me to know if you do have a maximum amount you're able to spend--this allows me to approach the project as a creative challenge, and offer unique ideas for what we can create together to best fit your needs, even if your budget is small, or if it won't quite stretch to meet what you hoped to commission. I find we can almost always come up with something exciting to suit any limitations or requirements you have!

In the Google Form below, I provide price ranges for you to choose from (if you have a budget already in mind), but if you don't, don't worry---in that case, I'll work up a quote based on just your project idea and needs, and we can discuss options from there. 

In case you like a bit more context, I use an hourly fee of $75 to come up with my estimates. How many hours I spend on our project will vary a lot based on your needs--simple black and white linework might be only a few hours, and full color, complex illustrations could take days to create. My preferred method is to also include a number of edit rounds into each project, where you have an opportunity to ask for small changes, but this can depend on the project, too. Every project is different, and I try to be as up front as possible about the cost and options in the quote process, so even if you come not knowing what to expect, we can work it through together!

Want to get started?

First, hop on over to my portfolio (if you haven’t already) and make sure the project you have in mind seems like a good fit. If you see any work that sparks something for your project, I’d love to hear about it, and it’ll help me know what to shoot for if we work together!

If you’re all ready to go and want to get started with the quote process, click the button below to fill out my “Getting to Know You and Your Project” Google Form: